Tele-PLIÉ Program

What is Tele-PLIÉ?

Why is Tele-PLIÉ Needed?

Preventing Loss of Independence through Exercise (PLIÉ) is a unique, mind-body group movement program for rural Veterans living with dementia and their caregiver.

We are currently adapting PLIÉ for telehealth delivery (Tele-PLIÉ) for rural Veterans with dementia and their caregivers. 

We are also developing a Tele-PLIÉ staff training program which will enhance the dementia workforce and improve dementia care for rural Veterans.

Over half of rural Veterans have risk factors related to Dementia. Compared to urban peers, rural caregivers report more difficulty managing dementia-related behavioral issues.

Currently, there are no dementia-specific programs targeting physical function, social connection, or quality of life for rural Veterans or their caregivers.

PLIÉ  has been found to improve self-rated quality of life with a variety with physical, social, cognitive, and emotional benefits.

Recruiting Rural Caregiver-Veteran Pairs!

We are looking for caregiver and Veteran pairs within the San Francisco and Maryland to participate in the Tele-PLIÉ pilot from the comfort of their home. 

Participants will join 1-hour Tele-PLIÉ classes twice a week over 12 weeks. During each class, a group of Veterans and their caregivers will be led through gentle movement sequences, sensory body awareness, and gratitude practice.

If you are interested in participating please contact

We look forward to hearing from you!