Join us for a fun, informative, interdisciplinary, staff training program called Preventing Loss of Independence through Exercise in Community Living Centers (PLIÉ-CLC)! PLIÉ-CLC is an evidence-based, mind-body group movement program for Veterans with dementia. The program includes movements to super daily function, present-moment body-awareness, breathing to calm and focus the mind, and social engagement to help Veterans feel appreciated and connected.

Earlier this year, the PLIÉ-CLC implementation team taught the PLIÉ principles to 15 staff members at 2 CLCs in Northern California. Now, the interprofessional staff members at your CLC are invited to join the next remote  PLIÉ-CLC training opportunity. Through PLIÉ, CLC staff will learn new ways to increase Veterans’ quality of life, as well as prevent disruptive behaviors and improve function. In addition, PLIÉ can reduce stress and increase feelings of well-being in staff.

The PLIÉ-CLC training will involve:

  • 10 1-hour pre-recorded video sessions describing PLIE principles
    • Flexible: staff watch on their own schedule
  • 10 weeks of 1-hour live experiential guided sessions
    • Staff participate with a resident, and get work credit
  • Total: 20 hours of training
What do people like most about the PLIE-CLC staff training program?
"Observing veterans making progress, seeing them become more excited about PLIÉ and how it is important to them in their daily lives."
– Staff Member
"We get to express ourselves, and exercise our body and mind, and feeling like we belong."
– Resident Participant
Learning new ways to connect with my body to improve well-being, and learning to share those with veterans."
– Staff Member

For more information please contact Riya Jacob at or (415) 910-7667